New commission.

Portrait of Seeko, for Katie (From Kari).
14x18 oil on canvas.

Finished painting.14 x 18 oil on canvas.

Finished painting.

14 x 18 oil on canvas.

I started by roughing in the background, quickly rendering the wicker chair. Then I started in with the darker shadows.

I started by roughing in the background, quickly rendering the wicker chair. Then I started in with the darker shadows.

Once I was comfortable with the chair I began blocking in the color of the dog.

Once I was comfortable with the chair I began blocking in the color of the dog.

I started by projecting the photograph onto the canvas. I used a red pencil to trace out the general proportions of the dog and the chair. (Sorry, I didn't get pictures of that...)

Paint Berlin

I participated in the 'Paint Berlin' plein air competition this weekend. Opening reception is tonight from 6:30 to 8pm at the Worcester County Arts Council in downtown Berlin, MD.
