New commission.

Portrait of Seeko, for Katie (From Kari).
14x18 oil on canvas.

Finished painting.14 x 18 oil on canvas.

Finished painting.

14 x 18 oil on canvas.

I started by roughing in the background, quickly rendering the wicker chair. Then I started in with the darker shadows.

I started by roughing in the background, quickly rendering the wicker chair. Then I started in with the darker shadows.

Once I was comfortable with the chair I began blocking in the color of the dog.

Once I was comfortable with the chair I began blocking in the color of the dog.

I started by projecting the photograph onto the canvas. I used a red pencil to trace out the general proportions of the dog and the chair. (Sorry, I didn't get pictures of that...)

Big Kahuna 2013

Painting 'Big Kahuna' in oils.

Our Big Kahuna

First I prepped the canvas with an orange base and I let it dry. The next step was to transfer my image onto the canvas for accurate proportioning. Once the basic lines were placed I then started by blocking in the background. The first three images below show the process by which I blocked in the background colors. 


The images below are in a gallery that you can click through. Click on an image to see it larger, then mouse over the image to read about my process. 

This painting was created over the span of a few days. I painted the background and let it dry for a few weeks before I painted the head. The head was painted in one day, over the span of 5 to 6 hours.